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Chiropractic & Natural Therapy for Your Canine Friend

Raw Fats, The Benefits.

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The benefits of raw fats in our dogs diets of chicken & beef is worth considering introducing. Chicken fat contains linoleic acid & helps increase metabolic rates, contains polyunsaturated omega 6 fatty acid, helps brain function, skin & hair growth, bone density, energy production & reproductive growth. Chicken frames usually have a good amount of fat on them & also giving the dog natural cartilage.

Beef fat is loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants & various other nutrients. We like around 15% of beef fat in our dogs diets.

Omega-3 oils like fish oils can minimize inflammation and help protect against conditions like arthritis, heart disease or even cancer.

And who doesn’t love giving coconut oil to their dog? Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties, but it also helps guard against antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal infections and it helps maintain a healthy skin and coat and digestive system. Feeding properly balanced fats can improve not only your dog’s health and longevity but even his mental abilities and his behavior. Depending on what proteins you’re feeding as part of your dog’s raw meat diet. We’ll give you a simple guide to balancing fats for your dog.

You know the expression “you are what you eat.” Well … your dog is the fats he eats. When your dog eats fats, they’re incorporated right into the cell membranes of every cell in his body.

Healthy cell membranes are the foundation of good health … and unhealthy membranes can make the cells less efficient, affecting your dog’s organs and entire body. Research shows that feeding enough fats, in the right balance, can develop better brains and better behavior. Puppies learn faster and remember more, and older dogs stay mentally sharp.

Properly balanced fats also support better eye and heart health and develop more muscle and less fat in the body, leading to better athletic performance.

Overall, if you feed your dog the right fats, he will have fewer health problems (which helps him live as long as possible). Fats need to be high quality and absolutely fresh. Fats turn rancid quickly, and rancid fats can create chronic health problems.

Rancid fats reduce the nutritional value of the food, can cause diarrhea, liver and heart problems, macular degeneration, as well as cell damage, cancer, arthritis and even death.

That’s why you don’t want a kibble with added fats. The fats will spoil quickly once the bag is opened and the food is exposed to oxygen.

We are here to help with your dogs diet.

Categories: Dogs