My Dog Looks Ok, But!
This comment is one that comes up a lot of the time, (My dog looks Ok, but). Sometimes there is nothing the matter, on the other hand there is & if it’s left too long then there is a huge Vet bill.
As we know a health check is recommended every year along with vaccinations etc, but when have you just taken your dog for a Chiropractic & Complete Physical check, ( l mean the entire dog, muscles, toes etc ) & also the diet talked about, exercise, treatments for Arthritis, joint soreness, stiffness, skin condition & so on. With a more Natural treatment approach?
With the colder weather now is the time to re-think, don’t put stiffness or a minor limp down to the cold weather. It may have been there for awhile & joint tablets etc aren’t the total answer, the dogs blood flow is just as important & this can be checked out through a manipulation & a complete physical check & or the use of the Magnetic Blanket or any of the other treatments that l have available.
Owners are now involving their dogs in more social activities, different sports, dog parks, special organised walks, more physical exercise with the ball, beach runs & even swimming & many others. This physical work does put a strain on the dogs limbs. The dogs bones are remodeling all the time to cope with this & so the Muscles & Tendons have to re-adapt also.
This is why the majority of Greyhound owners get there dogs checked over weekly or fort nightly when racing or in training.
l have seen over the years that many dogs that l have dealt with have in deed suffered from an injury that was not detected earlier & as you all probably know l am very concerned about the Dogs Diet & how it effects them is so many different ways.
Do check out my website ( for the treatments available, read some of the earlier newsletters & if you have a concern you can email me or give me a call directly on 0410 545 779.