How we feed our Dogs & Why?
Busted: Dogs Naturally Calls Bull$hit On Prescription Diet Dog Food.
As l recommend feeding a RAW Diet, as does this Veterinarian Dana Scott author of Dogs Naturally magazine, l thought it might interest you in it ready and decide what you think.
Let’s play a little game. Let’s find out if you’re among the 60% of smart dog owners or among the 40% who really, really need to read the rest of this article.
Veterinarians reportedly place between 35% to 45% of their patients on prescription diet dog food. And dog owners apparently seem willing to follow these directions.
A 2011 Pet Food Industry survey shows 83% of dog owners believed their vet was the most important source of information when it comes to nutrition. This is surprising, because there’s certainly no evidence of this.
“Most US veterinarians would admit their formal education on companion animal nutrition consisted of one basic course that, in some cases, had to be taught by a professor from another program because no veterinary faculty had the knowledge or expertise to teach it.” Says veterinarian Debbie Phillips-Donaldson.
“Any information on nutrition received after veterinary school usually comes via a handful of pet food manufacturers that sell through the veterinary channel. That information is by its very nature prone to be limited and biased.”
Today I’m going to show you why DNM isn’t the only one calling Bull$hit on prescription diets.
What Our Vets Say About Prescription Diet Dog Food
I spoke about prescription diets with pet food guru Marion Smart PhD recently and she said something that I thought would be fun to follow through with. She said, “How do you think vets would evaluate prescription diets if we just showed them the ingredients? Would they be able to tell if they were prescription diets?”
So I called up some of our veterinary friends and gave them four pet food ingredient labels, one of which was a veterinary diet. I then asked them to list which food or foods they thought was a grocery store food and which food or foods they thought was a premium food.
Want to play the game with us?
Here are the four ingredient labels I asked the vets to rank. Can you guess which one is the prescription diet?