Cheaper Courier Delivery Rate
I can now offer a cheaper delivery rate for the museli & other products up to the weight of 25kg within the Brisbane & surrounding area. The cost will be $7.50.
Some other areas in outer zones look like being bought down to $10.60.
Interstate, further North of Mackay, Townsville & Cairns & down south of Sydney,Canberra,Wollongong, Albury, Bendigo, Melbourne, Geelong, Adelaide, Launceston & Hobart is still to be finalised but again hopeful of cheeper rates.
Have included a testimonial.
To: Garry Pitt
Dog Chiropractic Therapy Centre
I have wanted to email you and let you know what an absolutely amazing transformation the “Bark Natural” you gave me as a food additive has made to the health of my dog Kodak.
My Bordeaux suffered from skin problems as far back as I can remember. His skin condition was labelled as an allergy and I was told that I could manage it with cortisone. He itched and he smelled. Expensive shampoos were used in an attempt to manage his problem and he was medicated when his skin itching flared up beyond manageable. It was miserable.
After 3 months of adding a quarter cup of “Bark Natural” to my dogs normal daily meal (which includes raw meat as well as dog biscuits), with a splash of apple cider vinegar, I began to notice how his skin was looking shiny. He had no red rash under in his armpits from scratching as well as no more red spots or dry sores on his fur. Friends have all commented on his superb condition, lack of oily skin and his lack of doggy odour. I am so happy. Something so easy to do has saved him from years of suffering.
I highly recommend adding the dry mix to your dog’s food. Mixed up in their food with some pet mince or gravy, the “Bark Natural” has changed Kodak’s life and our lives. We have solved his problem with no medication and hopefully extended his life over one likely to have been shortened with the regular use of cortisone.
Karin Wheeler